A service company specializing in consulting and design.

ISO Certification

ISO Consulting

DREAMPRESS boasts numerous top ISO and ESG experts from both domestic and international backgrounds

The top ISO & ESG experts from both domestic and international realms are with us. Experience easy and fast service. We’ll make your dream come true.

ISO Certification

The top ISO experts in the country conduct companies’ ISO certifications. ISO international auditors reflect the latest trends domestically and internationally to conduct audits and certifications for companies. Additionally, ISO consulting experts help companies obtain ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certifications through diverse experiences. They provide everything related to ISO certifications.

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Data consulting

We conduct a data production and trading business utilizing big data. Through data analysis and various outputs, we engage in business data transactions with both private and public institutions, providing analytical data results tailored to the needs of businesses. We derive results through data analysis tailored to the demands of consumers, then offer optimal outcomes through consulting.

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DREAMPRESS encompasses everything about UX/UI design, web design, product design, digital and print publication production, interior design, and 3D modeling & BIM (Building Information Modeling) design. We believe that design extends beyond just products; it reaches people themselves, encompassing everything imaginable by humans. We design everything that turns human imagination into reality

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ISO 인증을 DREAMPRESS에서 꼭 해야 하는 이유

(주)드림기획에서 진행하는 ISO 인증은 미국 인증원에 등록되어 있는 ISO국제심사위원들이 심사하며 심사에 통과하면 미국인증원에서 인정하는 국제공인 ISO 인증서를 발급해 드립니다. 인증서는 국내는 물론 전 세계 170개 국가에서 모두 통용되며 국제시장으로의 진출을 위해서는 필수적입니다. 또한, 다양한 분야의 전문가풀이 기업을 별도로 평가하여 발주처와의 연결, 언론사 홍보, 제품의 조달청 등록 등 기업의 장점에 맞는 맞춤형 컨설팅을 추가로 제공합니다.

컨설팅-디자인의 모든 것. 창의력이 가득한 결과물

(주)드림기획에서 제공하는 디자인은 공학 전문 디자이너의 작품 입니다. 정말 많은 디자이너의 작품이 미적인 부분에 치중하는 것과는 달리 우리 디자이너는 기업과 제품 및 서비스에 대한 이해도를 높여 단순히 디자인만 하는 것을 떠나 추후의 판매 전략, 마케팅, 활용도를 컨설팅한 이후에 작업을 진행합니다. 높은 창의력으로 제품에 기업의 역사와 미래를 담는 결과물을 만들어 냅니다. 우리는 지속가능한 파트너십을 제공합니다.

“We refer to the process of designing a company as consulting. For convenience, we are a consulting firm, but strictly speaking, we are a design firm that designs companies, people, and products. We design thoughts, design dreams, and design the future with the results.”



ESG Management

An ESG management system optimized for businesses has been established. Experts in Environment, Social, and Governance have crafted this system.

Check everything about ESG management

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Read blog → https://blog.naver.com/dreampress

Customer Service Center

Tel : 02 – 6081 – 7114

Fax: 02 – 6081 – 7119
